Sunday, December 21, 2014

Newmarket 5K Classic..2014

The Newmarket 5K Classic Road Race organised by Duhallow AC was held on Sunday 21st December 2014. A total of 232 runners turned out for this years race. This is recognised as a fast course so it attracts a strong number of elite athletes within the munster area. The top 3 finishers broke the 15 minute mark.

Maria McCarthy was 5th overall lady with a good time of 17:43. This was following her great success in the National Senior & Novice Cross Country Championships.
It was also good to see Verners Tess back in action when he finished in a very respectable time of 17:56

Top Finishers
1 14:38 SHEEHAN, Colm Leevale AC M 04:42.5
2 14:45 CIOBANU, Sergiu Clonliffe Harriers M 04:44.7
3 14:53 HARTY, Michael East Cork AC M 04:47.3 

14 16:33 FINN, Michelle Leevale AC F 05:19.5
25 17:11 KIELY, Martina St. Finbarrs AC F 05:31.7
26 17:16 O'CONNOR, Sinead Leevale AC F 05:33.3

The full results can be seen HERE