Monday, December 9, 2013

County Juvenile Relay XC - Qualifers 2013

The county Juvenile Cross Country Relay Qualifiers were held in Killarney on Sunday 8th December.
This was in order to select the county relay teams in U10 / U12 & U14 Boys and Girls who will represent Kerry in the Munster Juvenile Relays which will be held on January 12th 2014 in Cashel, Co. Tipperary.

The turn out was not very high but their was enough in all age categories to select teams of five.

From Farranfore the following Juveniles will go through to the Munster Relays:
U10 Girls: Corrina Griffin & Shauna McCarthy
U12 Girls: Natasha Myers
U12 Boys: Thomas Clifford.

Their will be a training session held on January 5th 2014 in Killarney @ 11am. It is important that all team members attend.