Friday, September 27, 2013

Coaching Workshops in South West September/October 2013

Please find details below of some up coming workshops in the south west in September/October. For all workshops simply come along on the night and pay €5, no need to book a place.

Friday 27th September Jumps Workshop at Cork IT Track 7-9pm. 
Open to all athletes and coaches aged 10+ and cost is €5 payable on the night at registration 6.45-7pm. Coaches on the night will be Stephen Fleming (Long/Triple Jump), Chris Regan (High Jump) and Eamon Flanagan (Pole Vault).

Wednesday 2nd October Sprints/Hurdles Workshop at Castleisland Track Co Kerry 7-9pm. 
Open to all athletes and coaches aged 10+ and cost is €5 payable on the night at registration 6.45-7pm. Lead coach on the night will be National Sprints Coordinator and coach to several Irish International athletes Hayley Harrison.

Saturday 5th October The Winter Coaching Series 2nd session at Cork IT Track 10am start. 
Please ensure that you have either submitted an e-mail address with your on-line registration or e-mailed Chris Regan chrisregan@eircom.netdirectly with same. Your e-mail address is essential for future communications about the series. Further details here

Tuesday 8th October Strength & Conditioning Workshop at Cork IT 7-9pm 
Upstairs in the red brick building next to the track stand. It has never been more important for both athletes and particularly coaches to have a clear understanding of Conditioning for Young Athletes. Scientific and empirical evidence underlines the need to have strength training, flexibility, and mobility(ROM) integrated into an athletic programme. Appropriate functional movement and specific training is necessary for specific events and must also be tailored to individual athletes. This takes into account the biological and chronological age along with peak height velocity (PHV) and environmental considerations. Liam O Reilly B.ED. SSPE (Hons) Physical Education & Sports Studies will present a workshop outlining the principles and practical elements on the subject matter. Open to all athletes and coaches aged 12+ and cost is €5 payable on the night at registration 6.45-7pm.

Wednesday 9th October Road Running/Endurance Workshop at UL Sports Arena 7-9pm. 
Open to all athletes and coaches aged 14+ and cost is €5 payable on the night at registration 6.45-7pm. Further details to follow soon.

Wednesday 23rd October Sports Psychology Workshop at Cork IT 7-9pm 
Run by Canice Kennedy. Open to all athletes and coaches aged 14+ and cost is €5 payable on the night at registration 6.45-7pm. Further details to follow soon.